Pierre; or, The Ambiguities

To be perfectly honest, I have always been ambivalent about Herman Melville. When I read Moby-Dick in high school, I found it to be an uneven slog. However, his iconic short story Bartleby the Scrivener provided me with a role model for life. The wonderful illustration below was created by artist and writer Nathan Gelgud to celebrate Melville’s birthday. And, by the way, if you are into arch gothic romances, or are just a big time Melville fan, you can download a free copy of Pierre; or, The Ambiguities right here.


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3 Responses to Pierre; or, The Ambiguities

  1. katdevitt says:

    I’m a huge fan of Gothic stories. I even write my own. I’ll have to read Pierre; or the Ambiguities.

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