Literary Starbucks

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Jill, Nora and Wilson are three college students who spend a little too much time at their local Starbucks. But they’ve put that malingering to good use with their very amusing blog Literary Starbucks. The minimalist site imagines what might happen if some of our favorite authors or literary characters stopped by for a beverage.

For example:

“Harper Lee goes up to the counter and orders a grande cappuccino. She thinks it tastes great, and other people in the shop agree, so she never orders another drink again.”


“Wordsworth goes up to the counter and orders a smoothie. It reminds him of a lake he visited as a child. Then again, so do most things.”


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1 Response to Literary Starbucks

  1. Reblogged this on angelscouch and commented:
    Interesting read ☺️

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