Tag Archives: David Bowie

Bowie’s Books

Last weekend I noticed numerous stories online that celebrated the late, great David Bowie’s birthday. They reminded me of a list that made the rounds a number of years back of Bowie’s 75 favorite books. You may find some surprises … Continue reading

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Pulp Fiction Fictions

Screenwriter Todd Alcott, creates these wonderful digital mashups  that combine the language of pop music and the visual language of 20th century pulp fiction paperbacks. While Alcott finds many of his vintage book covers online, he still discovers a few … Continue reading

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We Can Be Heroes

Writer Todd Alcott has a brilliant side gig reimagining David Bowie songs as pulp fiction-style books. His clever bookcovers reference classic paperback books. You can see more of the covers at Alcott’s Etsy site and even purchase your own copies.

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Bowie : Station to Station

This week, New York City transit riders have been lining up to purchase special edition David Bowie MetroCards. The city’s Metropolitan Transit Authority has teamed up with Spotify to offer five different options each celebrating the late artist’s varied personas. … Continue reading

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Bowie In Brooklyn

Tomorrow the critically acclaimed traveling exhibition David Bowie is will open at the Brooklyn Museum in New York City. The retrospective on the late artist’s five-decade career began at London’s Victoria and Albert Museum in August 2013 and has been touring ever … Continue reading

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Good Riddance 2016

This year has seen so many devastating losses for the world in the arts and culture communities. A British Twitter user who only goes by the handle ChrisTheBarker has paid homage to the some of the many greats who died … Continue reading

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First Flight

This sweet little film was shot to mark the 70th anniversary of Heathrow Airport. Titled “First Flight”, it explores the airport through the eyes of a child taking their first flight. The David Bowie sound track is icing on the … Continue reading

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To honor the passing of David Bowie, the American Library Association is re-issuing the classic poster (above) of the late artist. If you spent any time in a library or school during the 1990s, no doubt you saw the iconic … Continue reading

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Ink on the Tracks

London-based artist Simon Jones imagines what classic album tracks would look like as well-thumbed paperback books. He lines up the “used paperbacks” with the book spines each featuring a song title from the same album. You can see more (and … Continue reading

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Berlin : Where Are We Now ?

Yesterday delivered a special treat for music lovers of all ages. On the occasion of his 66th birthday, David Bowie released his first record in ten years. The video (see below) for the haunting track Where Are We Now ? is … Continue reading

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