Tag Archives: Social media

Mid-Summer’s Eve or publication day


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Compounding Your Pejoratives

I have recently found myself reaching for both colorful and acceptable pejoratives when commenting on social media sites. This is partly due to the necessity of avoiding Twitter jail, but also to liven the mood. The terrific chart above was … Continue reading

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Now Get Back To Work


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The Rise and Fall of the World’s First Social Network

Up until quite recently, I was a habitual buyer of postcards during my travels. Mind you, I rarely ever sent the postcards to anyone, but rather keep them as reminders of the places that I had visited. When I was young, postcards … Continue reading

Posted in Air Travel, Art, Books, Europe, History, Public Transport, Tourism, Travel Writing, USA | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Literary Selfies

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Not Applicable To Anyone Here


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Look Through Any Window

I’ve been a bit obsessive about visiting the website Window Swap this week. The brilliantly simple concept has folks around the world post short video clips out of their home windows. I dare you to try it without falling down … Continue reading

Posted in apps, Asia, Film, Tech | Tagged | Leave a comment

New York City : Word on the Street

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Don’t be a tourist cliche

These days it’s impossible to avoid the deluge of cliché travel photos on Instagram, Facebook, blogs, and other social media. There’s no escaping the boring sameness of everybody’s vacation pics. Don’t get me wrong, I’m just as guilty of sharing … Continue reading

Posted in Air Travel, apps, Tourism | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Hashtag Paris

If you have every been to Paris, you know that making efficient use of the city’s Metro system can be the key to a successful visit. With that thought in mind, Berlin-based journalist and amateur map-maker Tim Fischer has created … Continue reading

Posted in apps, Europe, Maps, Museums, Public Transport, Restaurants, Tourism | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment